Jean Fisher's Blog
What we do at The Occupational Health Business
What we do at The Occupational Health Business Introduction Occupational health is the branch of medicine specialising in employee health advice and the diseases of occupations. It is an early clinical intervention to give advice on reasonable adjustments and fitness...
Bringing Employees Back to Work is NOT Business as Usual
Are you ready for the major changes which will be needed to create the new workplace? A return to work in these times cannot be business as usual because employers have more than ever, have a duty to take steps to safeguard the health and safety of employees. As more...
Poor Performance or deteriorating mental health?
So, how to tell the difference. As the number of referrals I am receiving for this issue are rising dramatically I can see how difficult it can be for employers to actually work out whether certain behaviours at work are due to a deteriorating performance scenario or...
Still Using the Bradford Factor…Why?
Does reliance on the Bradford Factor affect mental health and result in lazy management? Occupational Health services can provide an alternative and more human way to help manage employee health at work. In this era where mental health is supposed to be at the...
Quick and Easy Stress Risk Assessment 2018
Quick and Easy Stress Risk Assessment 2018